Organisation of Islamic Cooperation
The Collective Voice of The Muslim World

OIC Condemns Demolition of the House of Al-Quds Activist Fakhri Abu Diab in Silwan

Date: 15/02/2024

The General Secretariat of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) condemned the ongoing house demolitions carried out by the Israeli occupation forces in the occupied Al-Quds, the most recent of which was the demolition of the house of Al-Quds activist Fakhri Abu Diab in Silwan neighborhood, and the notification to demolish dozens of houses in the same area adjacent to Al-Aqsa Mosque for settlement purposes.
The OIC considered that what is happening in Silwan is an extension of the process of forced displacement of Al-Quds citizens in favor of Judaization projects and colonial settlement plans with the aim of changing the demographic, geographical, and legal reality of the Holy City.
The OIC affirmed that Al-Quds Al-Sharif is an occupied territory in flagrant violation of international law, calling on the international community to shoulder its responsibilities by forcing Israel, the occupying power, to respect international law and the Geneva Conventions, provide international protection for the Palestinian people, and put an end to the occupation.

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